Dick and Rick Hoyt

Don’t need to run an Ultramarathon to become a Badass, instead do this…

Jose Hermida
5 min readOct 31, 2020

When I first started writing this article on what being a real “Badass” is, I had already downloaded the images from none other than Chief Petty Officer, David Goggins. His achievements are outstanding and even more considering that at one point he was obese, had asthma and a congenital hear defect that makes his heart work at a maximum of 75 percent of its capacity.

He is the epitome of what a BA is, or that’s what I thought when…

My oldest son had invited a new friend from school, and they were playing in his room when his dad came by to pick him up; the boys then came downstairs and while my son went to the living room, he was putting his coat on when he asked his father:

“Dad, do you already know what kind of cancer it is?”

«Not yet son, we are waiting for the results of the tests»

The boy stood up on his feet and joined my son in the living room, while his father and I were staring at each other in an awkward silence.

«We just found out that my 7-week-old son has a tumor in his lungs, but we don’t know which kind»

If there’s something I’ve learned in life after multiple mistakes is that whenever you aren’t sure what to say, keep it as short as possible — to avoid



Jose Hermida

Word Lover, Story Teller and Inspired by Life… aware that our time on this earth is to short to not take risks and share what only you can…