Laid off at 50: What now?

Jose Hermida
4 min readSep 28, 2024
Joaquín Salvador Lavado (Quino®), 1978

As I was coming back from two weeks of vacation, I purposely blocked Monday off to have some time to go through the usual mountain of emails awaiting in my inbox.

Apart from some weird mails about someone moving “out of the blue” to another position, and a “unusual” meeting request with the BB/BD -Big Boss/Big Dog- everything seemed like Business as Usual.

After writing the first replies, I noticed a couple of messages popping up in the chat box: my manager was trying to reach out to me.

I thought to myself “that can wait for tomorrow”, well, apparently not…

All the sudden my personal phone started to ring; as I lifted it from the table I saw several messages from my manager: “Jose, can you please call me? it’s important”, and important it was.

Turns out that while I was away, the latest reorg had decimated several departments -mine included- and I was the happy winner of a one-way trip to Unemployment-land.

I’m sorry to inform you that the whole department has ceased to exist, and that means that your position will also disappear

I was just thinking: “No kidding Sherlock, really?

Compared to the first time -yes, this was already my third reorganization- I just smiled at my boss and said: “Well, that’s how this game



Jose Hermida

Word Lover, Story Teller and Inspired by Life… aware that our time on this earth is to short to not take risks and share what only you can…